
Why can TorToiSe be fine-tuned?

Five days ago, I published a blog post, describing why TorToiSe could not be fine-tuned.

Today, I have released a fork of DL-Art-School with TorToiSe fine-tuning code. How did that happen?

The dVAE

The crux of the previous article was the missing model – the VQVAE, or discrete-VAE (dVAE). Without it, it is impossible to train any part of the model other than the diffuser and the vocoder, which is not at all sufficient for voice emulation.

Approximately 8 hours before the time of writing, I was informed of an incredible observation: that the dVAE checkpoint had actually once existed on the tortoise huggingface repository, before being purged:


This was, to put politely, a colossal mistake on the part of the 🐢 developer. git repositories track the full history of the project, including deleted files. The correct move would have been to delete the repository && reupload everything – something I suspect he might take the agency to do now, when it is too late.

I refuse to believe that a developer of his caliber could’ve been unaware that git repositories store the histories of removed files, so I can only conclude he must’ve expected that no one intelligent enough to spot it would try to unleash fine-tuning code to the world.

In any case, the dVAE is now public. What can be done?

Fine-tuning with DLAS

I spent the next 6 hours getting neonbjb’s Deep Learning Art School project to run on my local hardware. In no particular order, the problems I faced were:

  • model dimension mismatches. The VQVAE’s cookbook_dim was defined here, here, here, and in a lot of other places as cookbook_dim=256. The dvae.pth checkpoint has a cookbook_dim of 512. I initially intepreted this as a sign that it was an experimental vqvae that would fail to train well, but I proved that wrong about an hour ago, so I’m a bit lost. “Every single last piece of public documentation was wrong” sounds like an unlikely mistake.
  • UnifiedVoice. I copied the AR model configs from here and spliced them together with the longer VQVAE config defined above, and the parameters were mostly fine. The mismatches came in dealing with the specific kwargs for the UnifiedVoice class, or more specifically, the three separate definitions of it, all of which were incompatible with the actual tortoise-tts repo’s definition. I eventually realised that types=1 was equivalent to a no-op in all unifiedvoice configs, which let me work with the uv2 definition.
  • installation issues. There were some dynamic import errors with CLIP that I made a commit to patch. Dependency hell with the old requirements file. Expected hardcoded experiment files that were missing. Doesn’t matter, I fixed them in the fork.
  • hyperparameter tuning. I say tuning, but what I really did was to make a few lucky guesses that worked out.

The repo is here, if you want to see it. There are test samples on the page.